The amazing folks at Out of Step Books who brought us “Eight Arms of Inspiration: The Octopus Art Project” along with many other great publications have done it again! Their newest release “Antennae of Inspiration: The Insect Art Project” is nothing short of being absolutely fantastic, and I don’t say that lightly. This 480 page gem features an extensive and creative collection of entomology themed art submitted by artists from around the world. I am very honored to have been able to contribute to this wonderful and inspiring project.



I submitted three oil paintings to this project and was also fortunate enough to receive an interview regarding my piece titled “Catharsis” which is among one of my favorite paintings to date. Being included in a publication with many of the artists I have looked up to and been inspired by for years is beyond exciting. I can only hope to be able to offer but a fraction of that inspiration back to the art community which I have gained so much from.


With beautiful cover art and a huge assortment of creations from so many great artists you are sure to be pleased with every turn of the page. I personally can’t stop flipping through this book, constantly fascinated by one brilliant piece after another, inspiring me to put the book down and create, as well as pushing me to up my game. Another great thing about this project is that a percentage of all sales are being donated to classrooms in need through an outstanding charity called Donors Choose. An amazing book published by amazing people for a great cause, it doesn’t get much better than that!


I want to give a huge THANK YOU to Jinxi Caddel and all involved at Out of Step Books for their outstanding professionalism, continued mental attitudes of unwavering positivity and for being such an inspirational component to the art community. Your efforts are certainly not overlooked and it has been an honor to work with you. I very much look forward to contributing to future projects and urge other artists to check out what they have coming up and to consider taking part. Thanks again Out of Step Books, the opportunity is greatly appreciated.